
FIESTER is a band that has been making waves in the music industry with their unique blend of electronic core rock. Their discography includes a diverse range of music, starting with their debut EP “FRAGMENTS” which was released in December 21, 2022. This EP showcases their signature style and showcases their ability to create powerful and energetic music.

Their first single, “秋去冬來” was released on March 27, 2020, which was a hit among fans and critics alike. The single showcases their ability to create emotional and heartfelt music that resonates with the listener.

Their most recent release, the album “FULLNESS” is a reflection of their growth as a band and as individuals. This album was released on January 20, 2023 and it reflects on their personal journey and experiences. The album is filled with powerful lyrics, intricate instrumentals and intense energy. Each track tells a different story, but they all come together to create a cohesive and powerful listening experience.

FIESTER’s discography is a testament to their versatility and ability to create music that resonates with the listener. Each release is a reflection of their personal experiences and growth, and they continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the music industry.


    https://push.fm/fl/tgvmmk4y 於各大平台陸續上架 FIESTER 2024 年度全新作品《BULLY 不理》凌駕啞聲 塑造串謀 「我是好人,但我只能明哲保身。」「如果不是他受罪,便可能是我遭殃,請讓我選擇漠視吧。」 群體欺凌與排斥異己,從未因為青春期過去而消失。在幽暗無聲的暴力發生之處,那些選擇對他人的惡行與苦痛麻木以待者,內心正面對怎樣的人性和道德拉扯? 香港女子樂團FIESTER推出重金屬搖滾與電子混音交織的全新作品《BULLY不理》,披露面對欺凌惡行的旁觀者私密剖白:當目睹烈焰吞噬他人時,再自稱純然的無辜,也是最內斂的殘酷。 被動與沉默,泥足深陷的自我掙扎 只要環境使然,即使好人也可能被動地成為幫兇,或是面對他人惡行噤若寒蟬。FIESTER藉著作品展示旁觀者置身欺凌場景中的複雜心緒,以磅礴曲詞解構其中的困惑、畏懼與僥倖心理,引發觀者與聽眾的思考。 「手與心交戰狀況劇烈如械鬥」 在沉靜的表象之下,旁觀惡行者正醞釀一場行為與本心間的隱秘交戰:沒有刀光劍影,沒有血肉淋漓。當麻木與畏懼壓倒惻隱和勇氣,暴力便在閉口不言間發生,被若無其事地執行,個體的痛苦也漸漸沉沒於群體的冷漠目光之中。 FIESTER將歌曲命名為《BULLY不理》,意指欺凌行為中沉默無為的旁觀者,往往自以為處於被動位置就不必對暴行負上個人責任。然而,群體的冷漠無視是一種對欺凌行為的無聲認同,也助長了欺凌者更洶湧的殘忍惡意。FIESTER認為,對惡意冷眼旁觀者,皆為暴行最有力的爪牙。 不平則鳴固然艱難,卻是這個時代最珍貴的特質。 FIESTER’s brand new release for 2024, “BULLY 不理”, transcends silence to confront bullying. “I might be a good person, but self-preservation prevails.”“If it’s not him suffering, it could be me. Let me choose to turn a blind eye.” Bullying…



    FULLNESS is an album that showcases the growth and family struggles of FIESTER, an electronic core rock band. With a mix of powerful guitar riffs and electronic beats, the album takes listeners on a journey through the emotions and experiences of the band members. The songs on the album are raw, honest, and at times,…


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    【最新單曲 洪流蝴蝶 將於各大音樂平台上架】 你知道蝴蝶羽化的過程嗎?毛蟲欲要蛻變成蝴蝶,首先要經歷成長中不可避免的一個過程——「羽化」。而羽化這一個過程並不是每隻蝴蝶都能成功過渡,若過程中稍有錯失,翅膀便永遠不能伸展。反之,成功破蛹而出的就能展翅高飛。其實人亦如是,從童年到青少年的階段,若有成長的缺失,整個人生也會被徹底影響。而成長的過程,就如湍急的洪流,不斷地推移前進,難以阻擋。縱使承受著原生家庭所帶來的缺失,只要我們懷著衝破急流的勇氣,就能如蝴蝶般破繭重生。 ⚡同時在各大音樂平台上架⚡: https://push.fm/fl/4cflekxn #FIESTER #FIESTER6HK #洪流蝴蝶 #最新單曲 #hkband #newsong #hkindie #hkindiemusic #hongkongmusic This project is funded by Ear Up Plus 2022: Indie Label Sponsorship Program, which is organized by Renaissance Foundation and supported by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the Lead Sponsor. Ear…


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    【最新單曲 #是時候 Official MV現已在YouTube上架】 立即於YouTube收看《是時候》MV 是時候,勇敢斷捨離,成長為更好的自己。 ⚡同時在各大音樂平台上架⚡: https://push.fm/fl/vw0dy6lc This project is funded by Ear Up Plus 2022: Indie Label Sponsorship Program, which is organized by Renaissance Foundation and supported by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the Lead Sponsor. Ear Up Plus 2022: Indie Label Sponsorship Program’s…







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